École St. Catherine's Elementary School


École St Catherine’s  School Advisory Council


Contact Information:Hrce-sac-scr@gnspes.ca


What is a School Advisory Council (SAC)?

In accordance with the Education Act, each school within the Halifax Regional School Board has a School Advisory Council. Under the Act, the SAC has certain legislated responsibilities.

“A school advisory council is a legally recognized body composed of the principal and representatives of teachers and support staff, students, parents, and community members who work together in an advisory capacity to increase the quality of education being provided by the school. The fundamental purpose of the school advisory council is to ensure that all students receive the best possible learning opportunities by engaging all partners in an ongoing process of problem solving and shared decision making.” Establishing School Advisory Councils (NS Department of Education, December 1996


Key roles and responsibilities of a School Advisory Council

1.     Support the development of a school’s Plan for Improvement. (See Planning for Improvement: A Handbook for Schools - page 16. This resource is currently not available on line.)

2.       Establishing a School Discipline Committee.

o    Department of Education Code of Conduct

o    HRSB Regional Code of Conduct Policy (B.013)

o    Handbook for School Discipline Committees


3.       Advise on Board level issues related to curriculum, practices and policies.


4.      Advise on school level issues related to curriculum, practices and policies.

For more information on SAC Guidelines , roles and responsibilities see the Halifax Regional School Board’s website at   http://www.hrsb.ns.ca/content/id/1022.html